
We truly love helping out others in our community whenever we can

Brampton area free community outreach programs

We love the Brampton community because without all of you, we wouldn’t be able to do what we do everyday, which is be a part of the automotive industry as well as serve our community to the best of our abilities. At Attrell Toyota, our goal is to make our community a better place by providing the area with quality automobiles at affordable prices, but also by being a part of the Brampton community through donations and community involvement. Those looking for Brampton area free community outreach programs, either to be a part of or looking for help from, have come to the right place.
One of the organizations that is near and dear to our heart is the Regeneration Outreach Community Brampton because it is one of the programs in the area that focuses on providing and caring for homeless, struggling and at-risk individuals. Each year, individual volunteers in Regeneration Outreach Community Brampton serves more than 36,000 breakfasts. The organization also provides those in need of assistance with regular foot care clinics, showers and towels, haircuts, life-skills education, clothing, personal hygiene kits, medical information and low cost laundry. These are some of the things the average person takes for granted on a daily basis, and are very much appreciated by people who are struggling daily to make ends meet.

Regeneration Outreach Community Brampton is based at Grace United Church in downtown Brampton on Main Street. Attrell Toyota assists the organization by donating $500 each month in support, and Attrell staff regularly volunteer cooking and serving breakfasts.

Attrell Toyota also participates in one of the organization’s biggest fundraisers, the Coldest Night of the Year charity walk. This was Attrell Toyota’s second year participating in this walk, and staff walked 5 km and raised more than $2400!

Regeneration Brampton was challenged in 2014 with the tragic Ardglen Community fire and quickly focused their efforts on providing support, food, financial assistance and clothing to the 18 families who lost their homes. Attrell Toyota partnered in this effort hosting a Ardglen Charity Carwash to raise money the families devastated by this fire.

For more information about Regeneration Outreach Community Brampton, visit its website at